Cullompton Community Association Annual General Meeting

18th May 2023 The Walronds Minutes of Meeting

1 Present:

Iain Emmett, Michelle Rowe, Colin Rowe, Les Miller, Cllr James Buczkowski, Cllr Emma Buczkowski, Ian Scholefield, Penny Marshall, Cllr Shaun Holvey, Heather Crispin, Cllr Lloyd knight, Ian Findlay,

The chair welcomed the newly elected Councillors & expressed personal congatulations and hoped that the CCA will have the support it needs at District & Town Councils into the future .

2 Apologies:
Steve Wade, Cllr John Berry, Cllr Nikki Woollatt, Richard Stevenson 3 Acceptance of AGM 2021 Minutes 18th May 2022
Proposed Colin Rowe Seconded Heather Crispin
4 Chairs Report:
Report attached. Also available on CCA webpage.

The project to apply & convert the charity to a CIO was discussed and the application will be sent of this week in line with the approved resolution at the 2021 AGM on 18th May 2022.Once successfully registered & incorporated with the Charities Commission an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held to make the necessary

resolutions to enable Solicitors to be instructed to bring the assets of the CCA under the new charity status..Thanks are due to James Buczkowski for his efforts to pull this together during the last year .

5 Treasurers Report:

Report attached. The Treasurer commented on the loss incurred related to the essential tree work undertaken and specifically approved by the Trustees. He also reported that he was standing down as Treasurer due to the workload as he is both a District & town Councillor .Available on CCA webpage .

6 Appointment of Honorary Officers To Council :

Chair- Iain Emmett proposed Michelle Rowe seconded Les miller unanimous vote

Deputy Chair- Michelle Rowe proposed Iain Emmett seconded Ian Scholefield

Secretary – Les Miller proposed Iain Emmett seconded Michelle Rowe

Treasurer –Lloyd Knight proposed James Buczkowski seconded Michelle Rowe. It is with regret that due to his growing commitments as a Town and District Councillor James Buczkowski has had to stand down. The CCA wish him well and thank him for his efforts on behalf of the CCA as Treasurer & driver of the CIO application which is ongoing at present .

7 Election of Affiliated Clubs: Cullompton Rangers FC Cullompton Cricket Club Cullompton Bowls Club

8 Election of Independent Trustees:

Those expressing their wish to remain as trustees

Ian Scholefield, Heather Crispin Colin Rowe, Steve Wade (Football club), New Appointees:

Ian Findlay
Unanimously approved .
Retiring ,Standing Down ,No Response:

Penny Marshall sadly for CCA has decided to stand down after many years of service but she will continue her sterling work as a volunteer

Sheila Symonds –has decided to stand down and we thank her for her support

We have had no response from Dave Russell & Ashley Hellier so they have not been included in list for election .Ashley has been involved for a number of year and we thank him for his support

9 Election of Inspector of Accounts: Michael Spiers unanimously in favour

Questions : the way the MDDC grass cutters have treated the wild plants in the area that the council leases from the CCA was discussed .It was agreed the chair would write to the appropriate officer at MDDC.

10 Meeting closed at 19.30 and Chair expressed thanks to all who attended and looked to more activity in coming year on the Relief Road & events in the fields